Oops, Did I Manifest That? 4 Week Manifestation Course

Oops, Did I Manifest That? 4 Week Manifestation Course

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The intention behind this Master Class isn’t to “teach” you how to become a manifestor. You are already a manifestor. You are constantly manifesting. Manifesting is the natural way of life; this is how the Universe works. But what this class will teach you is, how to be a conscious, deliberate , and intentional manifestor. Everything in your life is a manifestation and guess what? YOU manifested it all. Yep, the good, and the NOT SO GOOD. But don’t worry you've been led to the right place; I am going to teach you how to manifest on purpose AND FROM YOUR SOUL!

In this class we will go beyond the affirmations, vision boards, and will tap into the energetics of Soul Manifestation. Yes, you will learn the steps and process of manifestation, but most importantly, you will learn who you are, why you are here, and how to manifest from your heart so that you manifestations are both sustainable and enjoyable.

Once you complete your purchase (via the checkout window), you will receive an email within 72 hours with the Zoom Link to join the Masterclass on April 11, 2022 beginning at 9:00 pm EST.